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Written by J. M. Brandt
Art by Tom Napolitano
Lettering & design by Apparatus Revolution
Edits by Shawn Macomber
Published by Dead Sky Publishing

“A chance encounter between a sideshow owner and a man with his fair share of secrets unleashes an unholy terror on the folk of Randall’s Oasis and Professor Morris’ Pageant of Curiosities. A grisly murder brings the attention of fastidious Sheriff Jacob Dillon. What will he discover in the desert, and how will he stop it? Read the darkly comedic Splatter Western Swallower of Shades to find out those shocking answers!”

J. M. Brandt is back with another horror hit. This one features a Twilight Zone-like narrator that is present throughout the the story and seemingly not interacting except at one key moment. The idea of horror featuring a traveling menagerie is not new, but Brandt infuses it with something not seen often amongst them, a mummy. With a unique storytelling voice in this one-shot story, readers are sure to be delighted and frightened by what lies within this issue.

Tom Napolitano brings to life the pages with his impeccable line work and striking use of black and white. His mastery of the craft is evident as he depicts a captivating tale that will leave readers on the edge of their seats. Napolitano’s attention to detail is impeccable, capturing every gruesome moment as bodies are ripped apart and lives are shattered by a mysterious mummy murderer.

But it’s not just the brutal action scenes that make Napolitano’s work stand out. He also excels in portraying the more subtle moments, infusing each panel with emotion and suspense. From the terrified expressions on the faces of the victims to the relentless determination of the sheriff, every character comes to life under Napolitano’s skilled hand. Napolitano’s artistic style perfectly complements the narrative, enhancing the horror and suspense as the plot unfolds. The dynamic and haunting imagery he creates sets the tone for a truly unforgettable reading experience.

This is a story where the letters by Apparatus Revolution didn’t need to stand out because the artwork is already stellar and letters that shined too brilliantly would steal the spotlight away. They hit the right tone with the lettering and allowed Napolitano’s nightmarish artwork to shine.

Brandt is a horror writer to watch as the start of Swamp Dogs from Scout Comics was excellent and now this story shows his talent in telling a full story in just one issue. His mastery of suspense and atmosphere create a chilling reading experience that will leave readers on the edge of their seats. The characters leap off the page, their fears and vulnerabilities palpable, making it impossible not to become emotionally invested in their journey.

If you love one-horror stories, monsters that go bump in the night or have always been afraid of menageries at the circus, you need to grab this one when it hits shelves, just in time for the spooky season.

Rating: 8.5/10

Tell your shop to preorder (AUG231838) this for you now as it will be in shops October 18th!

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